SSL Certificate description
BusinessTrust SAN SSL certificate released by our GoGetSSL™ trademark and powered in co-operation with DigiCert CA. Our product has the strongest compatibility and trust by 99.6% of known browsers, mobile devices and server software. Premium quality SSL certificates, like the one from GoGetSSL™, come with Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) as well as the default RSA hash algorithm. We do offer a 30-day money back guarantee for any possible reason.
SAN SSL allows protecting up to 250 domains names or sub-domains at once and that makes it so flexible comparing to Single or Wildcard certificates. Every SSL has unlimited server licensing and free reissues, so you can change your domains/sub-domains with no extra fee.
SSL Trust Logo
Every SSL equipped with Site seal logo in order to help you to establish trust relations with your website visitors and prospective customers. It is known fact, that most people afraid to use their credit card if no trust to a website or services. Our Site Seal comes in different graphical designs to fit most website styles to have best visual affects. Put seal to major pages like shopping cart and contact form. Preview example of one of the available site seals by our brand.
SAN SSL (Multi-Domain)
Multi-Domain SSL certificates, also known as SAN (Subjec Alternative name) or UCC (Unified Communication certificate) are best friends when you have multiple websites or sub-domains to protect. Our Multi-Domain SSL comes with up to 250 SAN items, that means you can protect 250 different domain names or sub-domains. You can also use that SSL with Exchange servers.
Business Validation
Multi-Domain with organization verification allows showing verified business name within all your websites and sub-domains. We suggest using LEI code or DUNS number within the verification process to speed up the process. You will also need to confirm phone number via one of the available public resources. Normally the verification takes around 1-3 working days. In most cases we do not require any extra documents to pass the process. Kindly check manuals regarding Business and Extended validation.
Improve Your Google Rank
The minor modifications in Google ranking algorithm help websites with active and valid SSL certificates to get higher positions in Google search. That change applies to all type of SSL certificates like Domain, Business or Extended validation. Verified companies/organizations may get even higher results.
Premium compatibility
The major feature of each SSL is trust and compatibility with browsers and moibile devices, it is critical to use professional SSL certificates that have highest compatibility, our BusinessTrust SAN SSL works within 99.6% of known devices. Please view entier list of devices we support.
Compare Multi-Domain SSL
There are various SSL certificates available today from more than 15+ Certificate Authorities (CA) with own features, functionality, warranty levels, support level, seal logo and number of SAN items. We believe it may be hard to select proper SSL even to advanced users, who have significant experience working with that technology. Let's change it with SSL comparison tool offered here.